
Thursday, January 21, 2010

what, really?

...How could this happen? It seems I can't go one week without hearing, "Oh ya, her? She wrote a blog and was so cool and well liked that she's famous now and lives off the income of her witty little thoughts." Well... maybe "one week" was a slight exaggeration. But even once a year seems excessive.

My latest find:

And the worst part is, she's hilarious. Witty. Engaging. Talented. With a killer camera, to boot. As much as I would love to hate her, I can't. I somehow feel we are kindred spirits, like she knows me...or knows exactly what to say to make me jealous (is that really something a 'kindred' would do? or is that just downright mean?).

I have wasted at least 28 minutes of my work day on her blog so far, and expect that in the days to come, I will continue to collect my drool in a cup as I imagine that I could be that good.

I leave you with this. It's a throwback to 2001, but it's one of my favorite discoveries so far. Enjoy :)

1 comment:

Malory said...

I like your blogs!! I just have to say, that I am sure that there are people who look at you and read your blog and drool in a cup just yearning to be as awesome as you! I can't say I drool, but I do think you are pretty awesome and I love who you are! So keep it up!