
Monday, April 4, 2011

jumper cables and raindrops

Well, I’m not sure the evening could have been more...stereotypical. And by "evening", I mean "me." My manfriend had his car die last night, and I came to “help”…but: I do not own jumper cables, had forgotten my gas can at home, and I hold the weight of a sapling when it comes to pushing the car (well, in many other situations as well, but my lack of muscle is most clearly displayed in instances where I need it). In any case, it all worked out okay. Oh, I mean, the car didn’t start (even after we called another friend who has jumper cables), and still isn’t running (as of this morning), but, you know, it turned out to be a very memorable evening. It was dark outside and raining animals, which added to the drama. Plus, my manfriend is big and strong and the fact that I so easily filled the stereotypical “tiny and helpless, but cute” role meant there was a wiiiide open spot for the stereotypical man role – you know the one: brute strength, steady calm, ruggedness. ...Did I just say “ruggedness”? Hmm. I believe I did. Other high points: I learned that red goes on positive, that the two shouldn't touch or they spark, and reconfirmed that I like being a woman (tiny and helpless as I am). I also remembered by experience that I am oft' taken over by an awed fascination, watching men use their muscles. Maybe I'm jealous?

Items to be added to daily "be cooler" routine:
-obtain jumper cables
-increase soup can reps (start small).
-continue to practice sentence forming and conversational skills.

1 comment:

Mama said...

I love men.