
Sunday, March 22, 2015

purposeful hiatus and deviation

I just had four days off, during which I did not write a word. This isn't news, by any stretch, but I did it guilt-free, which is the new part. I can not balance every scale all of the time, and I'm learning to be okay with this part of my humanity. I did, however, tackle myriads of loads of laundry. I slept well, had people over, played Parcheesi, and ate birthday cake with my sister. All good things. Writing, or the guilt of not writing, rather, took a back seat.
I'll try, but you know I have gotten to "DAY 16" of writing prompts and I've used only three of them so far. Talk about a swifly deflating balloon. I would apologize, but it's probably truer for me to say: I told you so.

Such a happy photo <3
Above Prague - copyright ludmila foblova

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