
Saturday, June 5, 2010

what a difference a day makes


In making my way through these wobbly 20-somethings, I've discovered something: waiting for clarity is always better than doing something stupid in a fog. Yes, make goals for yourself and set out to accomplish them; I don't mean to imply that you should sit on your butt while the world passes you by... but there are other areas of life where, if it's confusing or feels pressurized or makes you sort of panicky: it's probably confusing for a reason, and that reason is to slow you down before you do something you'll regret.

What am I talking about? Ah, good question.

I'm speaking of things like love and trust and friendship; or morality-altering action, or decisions based on hearsay or constant solitude. I'm thinking of the way we will choose to value ourselves and others, and how we go about showing other people what we think of their worth; I'm thinking of everything to do with human interaction and what to do when the ground beneath your relationships starts to move. While it can be so much easier to gut-punch a reaction than to wait another day, might I encourage you to wait. You feel the pressure to make a decision today; you can't handle not knowing; this box is getting far too small; you simply can't wait another minute. Trust me: I've been there. But in my experience I have found that a day can make all the difference. What seemed so overpowering yesterday is small this morning, and I will be okay.


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